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AWS S3 Data Connection Configuration Guide

This document outlines the steps to configure an AWS S3 data connection, which is currently only usable as a destination.

Connection Name: Enter a unique name for this connection that you'll easily recognize. This is just a label and does not affect the connection itself.

Bucket: Input the name of your S3 bucket.

Path Prefix: Specify the path prefix of the bucket if necessary.

AWS Region: Enter the AWS region where your S3 bucket is hosted.

Custom Endpoint: If you use a custom endpoint for the AWS API, provide it here.

AWS Profile Name: Enter the AWS profile name. 'default' is used if no other profile is specified.

Access Key ID: Your AWS access key ID for programmatic access to your bucket.

AWS Secret Access Key: The secret access key that corresponds to the above access key ID.

AWS Session Token: If you are using temporary credentials, provide the session token here.

From EC2 Role: Toggle this on if you are using an IAM role with an EC2 instance to access S3.

AWS Role ARN: Specify the role ARN if you're assuming an IAM role.

AWS Role External ID: If the IAM role you're assuming requires an external ID, enter it here.

Complete the form with your AWS S3 bucket details. Ensure that all credentials are entered correctly to establish a secure connection. Use the 'Submit' button to save your configuration. Remember that this connection is currently only available for use as a destination in jobs.